Community Story Sharing
Community Story Sharing
Cnr Carlisle Ave & Luxford Rd
Mount Druitt, NSW 2770
Google map and directions
This event will feature people from the Aboriginal, Anglo-Celtic, refugee, and migrant communities building connections through story-sharing in small groups.
At the event, you are invited to share about:
- What comes to mind when you hear the word freedom?
- What sorts of freedom have you experienced in Australia?
Join our Refugee Week 2023 events that will showcase the journey of finding freedom - to live without the fear of war, have basic human rights upheld, and live in equality without the fear of persecution. Let us show compassion and celebrate the resilience that makes up parts of the wider community.
The theme for National Refugee Week 2023 is ‘Finding Freedom’. Story-sharing event is an opportunity for Mainstream and refugee communities alike to experience the journey of Finding freedom, learn from each other, and move forward.
Refreshments will be provided.