Journey Beyond Fear Film Screening
Journey Beyond Fear Film Screening
Presented by RAR Griffith (Rural Australians for Refugees) as part of Refugee Week
Afganistan - Iran - Malaysia - Australia
An inspirational film following a teenage girl and her refugee family in Malaysia, as they wait for and eventually achieve successful resettlement in Australia.
Filmed over 7 years this is a story of love as much as a tale of persecution.
Journey Beyond Fear is an emotional rollercoaster taking us from despair to joy through hope, humour and love. A character driven film, featuring three magnetic daughters, it focuses on the experience of those who join the queue as opposed to those who ‘jump the queue’, making it clear that this is no easy option. It shatters prevailing stereotypes and highlights that becoming part of Australian society without losing one’s cultural identity is achievable. Further to this, Journey Beyond Fear draws attention to the fact that only 1% of refugees registered with the UN are ever resettled.
“Highlights the SOUL-DESTROYING wait for those in the so-called official queue for re-settlement. It’s a tale of two cities, three sisters, 18 YEARS IN EXILE and shines a light on the little known plight of refugees LIVING IN LIMBO in South-East Asia” Lisa Martin, The Guardian