Can you help us make sure Dutton & Morrison hear our calls for safety?
Call Peter Dutton --> (02) 6277 7860
Call Scott Morrison -->(02) 6277 7700
Talking Points
When you call, remember to be friendly, calm and patient. Your tone can help create the sort of democracy you want to be part of.
You are calling concerning the repeal of the Medevac laws. You are disappointed the government pursued this given a majority of Australians supported it.
You are calling to urge Peter Dutton & Scott Morrison to resolve the crisis on offshore detention that has been going on for more than six years. People's lives have been destroyed. People's health and well-being are suffering.
As an Australian, you feel ashamed of what is happening offshore. People need to be resettled to safety. Permanently. There are many offers on the table, the government can resolve this disaster in a matter of months. They need to act.
Getting started:
- Write down the main points you wish to talk about before calling. Keep them close so you can refer to them. It may be a series of questions or points you want to clarify.
- Stay on topic and make your points as succinctly as possible.
- Be polite and maintain your composure.
- Listen to what the other party has to say. This is a two-way conversation so everyone must be given time to express their views regardless of whether you agree with them or not. Make notes about the responses they give.
- Leave all your details and make sure your call is registered.
Talking points to help guide the conversation:
- The problem - the repeal of Medevac
- Your personal beliefs and connection to the issue
- Our solution to the problem - a resolution of the crisis of offshore detention and settling people to safety
- Ask - Dutton & Morrison need to act