A special message from our CEO to our most valued supporters as we launch this important campaign

A message from our CEO, Paul Power


Our open letter to the Prime Minister calling for support for people seeking asylum and refugees

Read the open letter and signatories here


Nobody Left Behind

We are experiencing an unprecedented global crisis that affects us all. The Morrison government has responded decisively yet it has left behind almost 1.1million temporary visa holders including hundreds of thousands of people seeking asylum and refugees. When people can’t buy food, can’t pay their rent, can’t buy critical medicines, they can’t stay safe. That puts them and their families as well as the broader community at risk. We can leave nobody behind.

We are coordinating a collaborative campaign to ensure access to Medicare, income support and visa security for people seeking asylum and refugees during COVID-19.


Our latest media releases on COVID-19


Want more information?

If you would like to receive more information on the Nobody Left Behind campaign and RCOA's response to the COVID-19 pandemic, please contact RCOA Director of Strategy, Communications and Fundraising, Kelly Nicholls on [email protected], 0439 528 466.