Night Becomes Day Premiere

Night Becomes Day Premiere

FanForce TV Online
111 26-32 Pirrama Rd
Jones Bay Wharf , NSW 2009
Google map and directions
June 18, 2020 at 6:00pm - 6:45pm
Judith Hewitson

This is an inspirational short advocacy documentary celebrating the lives of refugees through the voice of youth. Filmed for virtual reality and regular screen viewing. 

In 2020, Sohail is just one of 79 million displaced people in the world. He is a teenager from a Greek refugee camp.Inspired by Theo, a local human rights worker, Sohail joins other refugees, artist Nakam and war-injured Ali, to migrate from the camp and create a new form of citizenship not previously imagined.An immersive and inspirational experience in which we celebrate their journey from night to day.

Will you come?