Raise YOUR voice to secure safety for 32,000 refugees 

Email your MP for urgent action on increasing Australia's annual refugee intake 

Australia’s 2020–21 refugee program was the smallest it’s been in 45 years – just 5,947 visas were granted. While the 2021-22 program increased to grant 13,307 visas, it remains grossly inadequate to meet the growing number of refugees in urgent need around the world.

We know Australia can do better for refugees and people seeking asylum. We need your help to make this happen.

Raise YOUR voice for more refugee places in 2023 by emailing your MP today using the form on the right.

In its National Platform, the Australian Labor Party (ALP) has already committed to providing 32,000 refugee places. This includes increasing the refugee and humanitarian intake to 27,000 places a year, with an additional 5,000 places for community-sponsored refugees.

Despite this commitment, the Government has yet to deliver any money — or even offer a roadmap — to achieving this! The May 2023 Budget is the opportunity for it to start to work towards this goal.

That’s why we need your help.

Help RCOA call on the Government to fulfil its promise to provide 32,000 refugee places each year.

Simply add your name, email and postcode to the form on the right and we’ll email your MP calling on them to act.

Now is a critical time to raise your voice. Help RCOA call on the Government to create a roadmap of how it will achieve its promise of providing 32,000 annual refugee places, and to begin by allocating money to a real increase in refugee resettlement places in the 2023 budget.

Join us in asking the Government to:
  1. Commit to significantly increasing the refugee and humanitarian intake in the 2023 Budget.
  2. De-link the onshore and offshore components of the Humanitarian Program.
  3. Expand complementary pathways for refugees in the Skilled and Family streams of the migration program.


Please email your MP today.



Photo credit: BalkansCat