The Walk Step Up Tasmania
The Walk Step Up Tasmania
2 1A Anfield St Glenorchy TAS 7010
Glenorchy , TAS 7010
Google map and directions
The Hon Peter Gutwein is stepping up for a more inclusive and compassionate lutruwita/Tasmania
In June, Migrant Resource Centre Tasmania's Chair, the Hon Peter Gutwein, is walking more than 300 kilometres in seven days to raise awareness and funds to support a more inclusive and harmonious lutruwita/Tasmania.
Peter's journey will start on June 9 at the MRC Tas Burnie office and end on June 16 at the MRC Tas office in Glenorchy.
The Walk: Step Up Together will highlight the importance of Tasmania’s migrant and refugee communities and the value they bring to the wellbeing of our State both socially and economically.
The Walk aims to generate a positive conversation across Tasmania that showcases the diverse communities that live and work here.
On each day of the walk Peter will be joined by people from migrant and refugee backgrounds who will share their stories about how they came to be in Tasmania and how they've made our island home.
The Walk is calling on Tasmanian organisations and individuals to step up together and raise funds to help MRC Tas increase support for a more diverse and compassionate Tasmania.
Bring your family and friends to join Peter for the very last leg of the walk on Sunday 16th of June. Starting at the GASP/ My State Arena, we will accompany Peter along the walkway on Montrose Foreshore Park and have a celebratory community picnic. More information to be confirmed.
For updates please visit MRC Tasmania Facebook
Donate today and make a difference.
(You can also donate by credit card over the phone by calling reception on 03 6221 0999, or email us at [email protected] for direct deposit details)