When the search for safety tears families apart

When the search for safety tears families apart 

Ali Jan and his family fled Afghanistan in 2005 following targeted killings in their hometown of Herat. They sought refuge in Iran but had no legal rights and lived in uncertainty. 

As Iran became increasingly dangerous, Ali Jan made a desperate choice: in 2012, he left his wife, Soraya, their daughter, Sitara, and infant son, Jamal, hoping to secure refugee protection for them all in Australia. 

After arriving in Australia, Ali Jan waited five years for a decision on his application. He was only granted a Temporary Protection Visa, which prevented him from travelling out of Australia without government permission. 

Now 23 years old, Sitara doesn’t qualify as a family dependent. Jamal has no memories of being held by his father. While Ali Jan and Soraya have spoken every day, the anguish of being separated has caused Ali Jan significant mental distress.  

With your support, we can continue to put pressure on the government to reform the family reunion system for refugees, enabling Ali Jan, his family and many more like them to reunite and rebuild their lives in safety and dignity. 


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