Support a lifeline for refugees sent to Manus Island and Nauru

Support a lifeline for refugees sent to Manus Island and Nauru

After more than seven years, hundreds of refugees are still trapped in the destructive and inhumane cycle of the offshore processing regime Australia runs with Nauru and Papua New Guinea.

But there is an alternative, right now.

Operation #NotForgotten provides private sponsorship to Canada for refugees who were detained in PNG and Nauru and have no viable resettlement option.

By relying on the excellent partnership between Vancouver-based settlement organisation MOSAIC, the Refugee Council of Australia (RCOA) and Ads-Up Refugee Network Canada, PLUS 61J Media, B'nai B'rith and Stand Up are supporting the Jewish community to give people a lifeline to get off Nauru and PNG, and ensure they get all the support they later need in Canada from volunteer groups there.
Our goal is to help as many refugees as possible finally find safety, freedom and a permanent home. 

Operation #NotForgotten is a partnership between the Refugee Council of Australia, MOSAIC and AdsUp Canada. This fundraiser for Operation #NotForgotten has been set up and run by the following organisations:


All Australian donations over $2 are tax deductible.

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Meet Myo Win

Myo Win fled Myanmar to find a safe place for his family to live. Myo Win is Rohingya, a Muslim minority population who have been oppressed and abused by successive waves of military attacks that date back to the 1970s.  

Although acknowledged as a genocide by the United Nations, the Australian government continues to deny Myo Win his right to freedom and safety. “I’ve lived for 8 years in horrible conditions in Nauru. I have seen people lose hope and want to die.” 

Indefinite detention is designed to destroy the hope of refugees. But Operation #NotForgotten is the chance that refugees like Myo Win have been hoping for.  

 “I have been waiting to see my wife and children for all this time. Thanks to Operation #NotForgotten that time is coming.” 

Help other families like Myo Win's by donating to Operation #NotForgotten.

Donate to Operation #NotForgotten today

Operation #NotForgotten

Will you join the hundreds of generous Australians who are directly helping give hope to refugees like Myo Win?  

Operation #NotForgotten is a community-led response that provides private sponsorship to Canada for refugees detained in PNG, Nauru and in Australia, who have no viable resettlement option. 

The support of thousands of generous donors, combined with the partnership between Vancouver-based settlement organisation MOSAIC, the Refugee Council of Australia (RCOA) and Ads-Up Refugee Network, Canada, has provided a lifeline for people to be free of the horrors of offshore processing and the funds raised also ensure the refugees are provided all the support they need in Canada. 

To date, resettlement applications for 150 refugees and 96 separated family members have been lodged and ten sponsorship applications have been approved by the Canadian Government.  

But there’s still more to be done. We need to raise $500,000 to sponsor 30 refugees to Canada by Christmas. 

That’s 30 more people who could find a permanent, safe home. 

But, in order to do that, we need your support. 

Your donation will directly sponsor individual refugees or whole families to start anew – to have a real life in Canada, rather than being trapped on Nauru or PNG. 

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